How to extract type relationships (parent?)

edited August 2020 in General

Hello. I am trying to extract the names and other IfcSpace information from an IFC file. I see that there is an IfcSpaceType, and was wondering if there is a way to extract this information in the context of the IfcSpace using the CSV exporter (i.e. columns with space name, long name, what is referred to in the screenshot as a Type Product).


  • edited August 2020

    Use the magic type keyword. Attributes and properties are appended with a . dot. E.g. type.Name, type.GlobalId, type.Pset_foo.Bar. Hope it helps :)

  • By the way, if you right click on the type product highlighted in red in your screenshot and click "Jump to target" that's a quick way to select the type and see its properties.

  • Excellent! Thank you.

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