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BB: use of blender modifiers on IFC objects.

edited August 2021 in General

Just a roapmap question.
IfcSlabs use a Blender Modify for their thickness. IfcWalls, however, use the IfcOpenShell engine to adjust the wall thickness.
Do you eventually see IfcSlabs being run by IfcOpenShell engine as well? Or do you still envision using Blender modifiers on certain objects?


  • IfcSlabs are run by the IfcOpenShell engine as well as IfcWalls. In fact anything that is MaterialLayerSet based will be run by the IfcOpenShell engine, which may also commonly include IfcCovering, IfcPlate, IfcRoof, IfcRamp, etc. The modifier is simply placed there for convenience because slabs are prismatic 99.9% of the time and therefore if you are editing it, it is just so much easier to move one vertex instead of two. For walls, this isn't the case, as walls have funny junctions, mitred corners, strange curves, etc.

  • Thanks! Makes sense.
    In that way, if the slab is run by a MaterialLayerSet, you shouldn't really touch the depth in the modifier, correct?

  • @theoryshaw correct, don't touch that depth :)

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