from topologic import Vertex, Edge, Wire, Face, Shell, Cell, CellComplex, Cluster, Topology, Graph, VertexUtility, FaceUtility, TopologyUtility import cppyy # Based on def vIndex(v, vList): for i in range(len(vList)): if VertexUtility.Distance(v, vList[i]) < 0.001: return i+1 return None def main(maxVertices): global graph global cycles returnValue = [] for edge in graph: for node in edge: findNewCycles([node], maxVertices) for cy in cycles: row = [] for node in cy: row.append(node) returnValue.append(row) return returnValue def findNewCycles(path, maxVertices): if len(path) > maxVertices: return start_node = path[0] next_node= None sub = [] #visit each edge and each node of each edge for edge in graph: node1, node2 = edge if start_node in edge: if node1 == start_node: next_node = node2 else: next_node = node1 if not visited(next_node, path): # neighbor node not on path yet sub = [next_node] sub.extend(path) # explore extended path findNewCycles(sub, maxVertices) elif len(path) > 2 and next_node == path[-1]: # cycle found p = rotate_to_smallest(path) inv = invert(p) if isNew(p) and isNew(inv): cycles.append(p) def invert(path): return rotate_to_smallest(path[::-1]) # rotate cycle path such that it begins with the smallest node def rotate_to_smallest(path): n = path.index(min(path)) return path[n:]+path[:n] def isNew(path): return not path in cycles def visited(node, path): return node in path topologies = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Wire.Ptr]() fcsel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() for fcs in fcsel: fce = fcs.Shape.Edges clus = Topology.ByString(fce[0].exportBrepToString()) for e in fce: top = Topology.ByString(e.exportBrepToString()) clus = Topology.Merge(clus, top) wires = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Wire.Ptr]() _ = clus.Wires(wires) pyWires = list(wires) maxVertices = 17 resultWires = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Wire.Ptr]() for pyWire in pyWires: pyWire.__class__ = Wire tEdges = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Edge.Ptr]() _ = pyWire.Edges(tEdges) tVertices = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Vertex.Ptr]() _ = pyWire.Vertices(tVertices) graph = [] for anEdge in tEdges: graph.append([vIndex(anEdge.StartVertex(), list(tVertices)), vIndex(anEdge.EndVertex(), list(tVertices))]) cycles = [] resultingCycles = main(maxVertices) result = [] for aRow in resultingCycles: row = [] for anIndex in aRow: row.append(list(tVertices)[anIndex-1]) result.append(row) for i in range(len(result)): c = result[i] resultEdges = cppyy.gbl.std.list[Edge.Ptr]() for j in range(len(c)-1): v1 = c[j] v2 = c[j+1] e = Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex(v1, v2) resultEdges.push_back(e) e = Edge.ByStartVertexEndVertex(c[len(c)-1], c[0]) resultEdges.push_back(e) resultWire = Wire.ByEdges(resultEdges) resultWires.push_back(resultWire) resultShell = Face.ByExternalBoundary(resultWires.front()) for aWire in resultWires: face = Face.ByExternalBoundary(aWire) resultShell = Topology.Merge(face, resultShell) sh=Part.Shape() sh.importBrepFromString(str(resultShell.String())) g = Graph.ByTopology(resultShell, True, False, False, False, False, False, 0.0001) gtop = g.Topology() sh = Part.Shape() sh.importBrepFromString(str(gtop.String()))