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Activity List

  • avico earned the 25 Awesomes badge.
    You keep posting great content. Nice!
    September 16
  • FirasAr earned the First Post badge.
    You are in there and getting involved. Have some free points!
    September 16
  • FirasAr earned the Paging Mr. F badge.
    Mentioning someone in a post is a great way to direct comments.
    September 16
  • FirasAr earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    September 16
  • FirasAr joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    September 16
  • wmi earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    That's three years you have been here!
    September 16
  • NigeAnThat earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    That's three years you have been here!
    September 15
  • NigeAnThat earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    September 15
  • Andyro

    I was just thinking - as I received a call for submission to the next conference for architects that our regulator puts on - that a session on Bonsai would be a real eye opener. The conference will be in Ottawa, in May 2025. If you're interested I could put together an interactive session outline - based on the flow of your videos. Two 1.5hr sessions, one that provides an overview of what you can do, and the second one as a kind of hands on session. We could also demo some advanced topics in the first session like Bruno's work, and the energy modelling workflow I'm sorting out with Wassim Jabi, and the wbLCA stuff I'm trying to nail down with Stefano. You'd be the lead presenter - I'd just provide support. The OAA (Ontario Association of Architects) covers your travel, meal and conference expenses. Interested?

    September 13
    • Ace
      Hi Andyro, I would definitely be keen and interested! All those others you have mentioned are also great, have you reached out to Dion and Ryan? I am certain they would be a great asset to have for the event as well.
  • Andyro - you sound South African, is that where you are based? If so do you know Francois Swanepoel? (longtime regional ArchiCad reseller/support there, he also sees Bonsai as the future after Graphisoft's recent super-greedy business decisions)

    September 13
    • Ace
      Hi Andyro, yes I am South African based in Johannesburg and I have spoken with Francois on occasion and a few others, there is an organisation this side called Open design Alliance aswell, but I'm not too active with them unfortunately.
  • malloc earned the First Post badge.
    You are in there and getting involved. Have some free points!
    September 15
  • malloc earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    September 15
  • Andyro earned the 25 Insightfuls badge.
    You keep posting great content. Nice!
    September 14
  • Welcome Aboard!
    September 13
  • iosvarms earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.
    You might have graduated from college considering how long you have been here.
    September 12
  • Welcome Aboard!
    September 12
  • fcudok changed their profile picture.
    September 12
  • fcudok earned the You Look Familiar badge.
    Thanks for sharing yourself with the community.
    September 12
  • fcudok earned the Paging Mr. F badge.
    Mentioning someone in a post is a great way to direct comments.
    September 12
  • hri earned the Paging Mr. F badge.
    Mentioning someone in a post is a great way to direct comments.
    September 12
  • steverugi earned a promotion to Level 5.
    Holy batman, you are awesome. Have some more reactions!
    September 12
  • hri earned the First Post badge.
    You are in there and getting involved. Have some free points!
    September 12
  • hri earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    September 12
  • hri earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    September 12
  • hri, thanhtung and hannah joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    September 11
  • jsdbroughton earned a promotion to Level 2.
    Level up!
    September 11
  • Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    September 11
  • hannah earned the First Post badge.
    You are in there and getting involved. Have some free points!
    September 11
  • hannah earned a promotion to Level 1.
    You are at the lowest level. Build up your points to unlock new features!
    September 11
  • anu earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Has it been a year already?
    September 11