Ubisoft mixer- A Multi user editing program in blender and perhaps between other 3D programs

Mixer is a Blender addon developed at Ubisoft Animation Studio for Real Time Collaboration in 3D edition. It allows multiple Blender users to work on the same scene at the same time. Thanks to a broadcasting server that is independent from Blender, it is also possible to implement a connection for other 3D editing softwares.

This looks interesting in concept. I am particularly intrigued by the "it is also possible to implement a connection for other 3D editing softwares" line. I'm not sure if that means between the same software that are not blender or between blender and another software.



  • Has anybody here tested it yet? Would like to know how it fares.

  • Not yet, it's a client-server interface.

  • Are there any other ways to do project collaboration in Blender? Not necessarily real time, but something more advanced than splitting the model up and linking it together..

  • edited August 2020

    If somebody tested it, please share how does it work? Based on the mechanism they use we can decide it's worthful or not for us
    I checked, it's good for the start, maybe in the near future they or you want to drop TCP

  • I shared this a short while back. I don't know if they are connected, but the demos look similar in the results achieved:

  • Client - server infrastructure actually make sense for such collaboration system.
    A direct connection between clients require some kind of SIP (Session Initialisation Protocol) + a central directory like in voice apps and is likely to fail unless the transfert protocol handle deep routing / firewall issues.

  • @stephen_l exactly, in such situations TCP has a lot of issues, which you mentioned one the important ones, and many systems focus on UDP, which needs intensive knowledge and also efforts
    Client-Server is a better choice, and we can spread some works on the client side, and some on the server side

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