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[BlenderBIM] & IFC4.3 for infrastructure

This discussion was created from comments split from: Welcome to the OSArch Community.


  • edited August 2022

    Hi Everybody!
    My name is Werner. I live and work in Austria. Currently I am working on IFC infrastructure modelling for railway and I would like to use Blender for visualisation purposes (wanted to learn blender for a longer time anyway).
    I am interested in the plans and status of the Blender BIM plugin concerning IFC 4.3. Visualisation of IfcAlignment with cant and rail transition bends are especially interesting for me (hence the question for the IFC 4.3 status).
    I have a personal preference for open source solutions in general (being part of the QGIS Project since 2008).
    Looking forward to test and probably contribute

  • Anyone with some tips here? @Moult maybe

  • @macho you might have seen this already.
    @aothms might know more about roadmap.

  • @macho this is the current known state of IFC4X3: https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/issues/842 - the schema is supported, but not all geometry is supported. If you'd like to help test/contribute, give a ping on that issue, and perhaps we can start with a list of geometry types and test cases to cover.

    There are some test files here: https://github.com/buildingSMART/Sample-Test-Files/tree/master/IFC 4.3

  • Hi and sorry for being quiet - was on holiday and offline ;)
    Thanks for all the links (and opening a new thread) - I'll start reading - and surely give a ping on github.

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