IfcOpenShell-Python - requirements, dependencies | python module "lark"

Hi there,
while playing around with the crashcourse examples i ran into an import error.

import ifcopenshell.util
from ifcopenshell.util.selector import Selector
ifc = ifcopenshell.open('/path/to/your/file.ifc')
selector = Selector()
element = selector.parse(ifc, '#2MLFd4X2f0jRq28Dvww1Vm') # Equivalent to ifc.by_guid('2MLFd4X2f0jRq28Dvww1Vm')
walls = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcWall') # This is equivalent to ifc.by_type('IfcWall')

LARK isn't installed so far so good i can solve this. I've installed ifcopenshell-python via pip recently. Python 3.8 and 3.9.
1. Question: Does pip not handle such dependencies automaticly?
2. Question: Can i find somewhere a list with all required modules for ifcopenshell-python?

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