[dotbim] Minimalist file format

edited November 2022 in General

Hey :)
Just wanted to add a discussion post regarding dotbim project, because I think OSArch is good place for that ;)
There was already an article here on OSArch: https://osarch.org/2022/02/26/dotbim-minimalist-file-format-for-bim/ and there is small article in OSArch's wiki: https://wiki.osarch.org/index.php?title=Dotbim
You will find main repository here: https://github.com/paireks/dotbim

Generally it's a file format for exchanging visual representation of an objects + metadata in a simplest way possible. Motivation was to introduce the easiest possible schema, yet still useful enough for many tasks in AEC industry. Personally I struggled multiple times as a developer that there were only complex solutions available when I wanted to send some generated geometries + metadata to web viewers or to various AEC software. Its schema is simple enough, that, thanks to all contributors, all the connectors were developed in a couple of hours or days, and they do not require constant updates, as there are no plans to break user space in a future.

You can explore Marcin Woch's example file here: https://3dviewer.net/#model=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paireks/dotbim/master/test/ExampleFiles/TestFilesFromGh/BeamBridgeExample.bim

If you have any questions or comments - feel free to leave it there, or contact me ;)

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