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ifcopenshell copy entities with additioanl pset from one model to another

edited December 2022 in General

HI all,
copy entities with additional pset from one model to another
i have tried to copy entities using the following:
wall_copy_class = ifcopenshell.api.run("root.copy_class", model, product = wall)
then when passed this wall_copy_class in the following
psets = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(wall_copy_class)
I was able to see my additional pset(LCA)
then I created a new model and used the .add() to place geometry, as well wall_copy_class. then use .write()
Here some picture

_why am I not able to move as well the additional PSET information? _


  • Hi @Johannes990 , have you tried to follow this example?
    There are 3 ways to copy class, you could try with all these three...
    Also, are you sure that the wall with psets is the first also in the file "gopen"? Maybe when you added the wall it went to the end of the list...

  • I could be wrong, but maybe you have to add the inverse entities of the wall_copy_class object?

    import ifcopenshell
    import ifcopenshell.geom
    import sys
    import ifcopenshell.api
    model = ifcopenshell.open(r"C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\untitled.ifc")
    wall = model.by_type("ifcwall")
    g = ifcopenshell.file(schema=model.schema)
    projmod = model.by_type("IfcProject")[0]
    wallfromModel = wall[0]
    wall_copy_class = ifcopenshell.api.run("root.copy_class", model, product = wall[0])
    for x in model.get_inverse(wall_copy_class):
    gopen = ifcopenshell.open(r"C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\new.ifc")
    gopenwall = gopen.by_type("ifcwall")[0]
    gopenpsets = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(gopenwall)
    wallfromModelpsets = ifcopenshell.util.element.get_psets(wallfromModel)
  • Hi both ... first of all, thanks for spending time reading my code and rev. Next time I will make it more readable and as well copy/paste-able ( I will help you to help me :) )
    @Massimo , yes I had only one object.
    @theoryshaw, it works well... I was able to get what I needed thank you.

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