[GEOL_BIM-Geo2ifc] .dxf,.obj, .ts and.stl to .ifc; powered by ifcopenshell

So i found this project in gitlab https://gitlab.com/CHGEOL/geol_bim-geo2ifc/-/tree/main/
It says:

GEOL_BIM-Geo2ifc is an open-sourec (AGPL) library to write non-CAD geometries, including the information about them to the Industry Foundation Classses (IFC) file format. Hands-on IFC is based on IfcOpenShell, an open-source (LGPL) library to work with the IFC file format. IfcOpenShell currently supports IFC version IFC2x3 (ISO 16739-1:2018) und IFC4 ADD2 TC1 (ISO/PAS 16739:2005). Additional information can be found at IFC Open Shell, IFC Academy or in the GitHub repository. The GeoQuo GmbH acknowledges the great 'Simple Wall' example of Kianwee Chen (ETH), which served as an inspiration for the module presented here. Also acknowledged is the outstanding support provided by David Berger, answering various technical questions.

I did not test it myself, however maybe someone can use it.

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