BlenderBIM Drawing : Differentiating projected lines

edited April 2023 in General

I like that the cut parts are divided in specific classes in the output svg, (although I have yet to fully grasp how it's done since it seems it's grouping by Ifc class, guid and Ifc Material). It lets user set specific hatch type or color for different cuts.

I'd like to be able to differentiate between the different projected elements, that are by default all exported in a unique class projection eg

            <g class="projection">
                <path d="M66.9552,60 L86.9552,60"/>

And how it turns out for a cut part :
<g class="cut material-Wood 0sSMZBhbL6bxj9Zvcdk_V4 IfcActuator"><path d="M40.0,60.0 L40.0,40.0 L60.0,40.0 L60.0,60.0 Z"/>
Would it be possible to say add specific class per Ifc type or per material like the cut elements do ? That would let me color, shade or use different linetype / lineweights depending on which objects exactly are drawn. It would also make the process of exporting to dxf way more straightforward :)

I'm not that well versed in css linguo so I hope it's clear enough.



  • There is code that does this, but during my early tests it was far from performant enough, but I need to do more tests, and it's on the roadmap for the next release under "provide hatching of projected elements".

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