BlenderBIM addon in UPBGE

Hi OSFellows,
I was wondering about interesting mariage of BleenderBIM addon wwith blender's game engine (upbge). In simplest way I tried to install it in upbge as its done in blender but it raised an error saying that "shapely.lib" is missing. I was trying to copy it manually from installed addon on bllender but..there was no such lib there.
Imagine having IFC file with all metadata brought to live in game engine. (ie Gamelike QA, construction simulations, training simulators or simply nice access to meta data). Does anyone tried this?
Here is an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/UPBGE/", line 351, in enable
mod = import(module_name)
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/", line 40, in
import blenderbim.bim
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/", line 22, in
from . import handler, ui, prop, operator, helper
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/", line 23, in
import blenderbim.tool as tool
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/tool/", line 21, in
from blenderbim.tool.boundary import Boundary
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/tool/", line 23, in
from blenderbim.bim.module.geometry.helper import Helper
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/", line 20, in
from . import ui, prop, operator
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/", line 35, in
from blenderbim.bim import import_ifc
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/", line 39, in
from blenderbim.bim.module.drawing.prop import get_diagram_scales
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/drawing/", line 20, in
from . import ui, prop, operator, handler, gizmos, workspace
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/drawing/", line 27, in
import blenderbim.bim.module.drawing.decoration as decoration
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/drawing/", line 25, in
import shapely
File "~/Library/Application Support/UPBGE/3.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/libs/site/packages/shapely/", line 1, in
from .lib import GEOSException # NOQA
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'shapely.lib'


  • This would be an awesome crossover ! I would expect a few hurdles though because UPBGE uses a custom fork of Blender so there may be discrepancies with the API and such that makes thing not click easily.

    For you problem though I would try copy/pasting the modules in site/packages from the blenderbim addon zip file to your blender install/version/python/lib/site-packages

  • Is there a version of UPBGE that is Blender >= 3.1 that has Python 3.10? Can you try that with the latest stable release?

    If not also would be good to have a screenshare to debug. Catch me online on with the username Moult.

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