IFC Material List

I want to assign several materials to a component.
a) Go to IfcMaterialList, select red and confirm +
nothing happens! I cannot select a second material.
b) Close the selection with Edit and something is saved - but without name.
c) In Scene I can see that there was an assignment.


  • Another question about material:
    I have a group of walls that I created all with the same type. Now I want to change the material on one wall. But the material is changed for all walls and the type?

  • the third ...
    I have copied an IfcWallType and want to set up new wall. So now I change the existing
    IFCMaterialLayerSet and confirm the entry with the Edit hook and get the following message ...

    and sometimes the input is accepted, sometimes not.

  • I cannot select a second material.

    i think this is a bug.

    But the material is changed for all walls and the type?

    This is how types work, all instances take on the type's assignments.
    I'm not sure if the IFC schema allows instance overrides. It works for psets, but I'm not sure if it works for representations--like geometry and materials.

    IFCMaterialLayerSet and confirm the entry with the Edit hook and get the following message

    Is this consistent behavior? Can't seem to replicate on my end.

  • edited August 2023

    But the material is changed for all walls and the type?

    This is how types work, all instances take on the type's assignments.

    That's OK. I'll adopt a default setting for now - all slabs are the same.

    I'm not sure if the IFC schema allows instance overrides. It works for psets, but I'm not sure if it works for representations--like geometry and materials.

    But then I change the PreDefinedType per slab (BaseLab, Floor, Roof) and change the dimension of the slab (BaseLab).
    But I can't change the material or the thickness of the slab (Floor) without changing the others as well. For this slab I would now have to set up a new type or create a whole new object.


  • IFCMaterialLayerSet and confirm the entry with the Edit hook and get the following message

    Is this consistent behavior? Can't seem to replicate on my end.

    I don't know what I did, but I don't get the message anymore either.

  • Can you help file a bug for the first question?

    As for the types - yes, all occurrences inherit their material from the type. If you want a slab of another material, create a new type. Same for thickness if you're using a parametric thickness.

    See FAQ number 5 for your third question: https://blenderbim.org/docs/users/installation.html#faq - this is why we did a huge UI upgrade to prevent people thinking they can treat IFC as an import / export which is the most common cause for errors that you see.

  • @Moult said:
    Can you help file a bug for the first question?

    Attached is a file with one instance (IfcWall/Cube) where I can enter only one material in the IfcMaterialList.

  • @peterpaul You might know this already, but you can file the bug here: https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/issues

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