2D Annotation problem

Trying to do a custom draw symbol for my IFC object but for some reason the original mesh form keeps on showing up in my drawing. What am I doing wrong?


  • Annotations are drawn in addition to the body. This is because annotations ... well ... annotate something, and that something is by default, the body.

    It sounds like instead of an annotation, you simply want the body itself to be shown in a different way. So you should add a Plan / Body / PLAN_VIEW instead.

  • Yes indeed. That does make sense. Works like charm now. Thank you! Fyi noticed a bug that the join hotkey ctrl+j does not work when editting the 2D representation of the object. I mean if you want to replace the automatically created version. It only works from the object dropdown menu.

  • Nice, can you please help report a bug with a description of how to recreate it?

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