Use IfcPatch OffsetObjectPlacements to rotate the model around a pivot point.

I just wanted to check here to see if it was possible - can you rotate using a pivot point with the current IfcPatch recipe?
As far as I can tell, all rotations happen around the axis themselves, running through origin. Being able to define an optional pivot point (I guess a temporary origin?) would be useful.


  • You can choose whether to rotate before or after translation. This I believe covers 90% of the usecases of either moving from a false origin to larger coordinates, or vice versa.

    If you have a custom pivot point, perhaps you can run it twice: translate to your pivot point, rotate, then translate again.

  • Thanks Moult. I did think of translating first to 'fake' the pivot point. I guess this could be what a pivot point implementation might look like anyway.
    This is one of those functions I normally do elsewhere. Occasionally I like to scratch my head about doing them in Blender instead.

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