Hello everyone, I have been trying to save this project but not saving and receiving error message, is there a solution to this please?
Hello everyone, I have been trying to save this project but not saving and receiving error message, is there a solution to this please?
Can you share the file, and/or the steps you took to get to this error?
While working on section view, I made some mistakes then I undo some steps and the click on the camera icon, I receive an error message and then I attempted to save and reopen but the same error persist.
This is another problem am facing which is after setting the model "representation to plan" and click on the "create drawing icon" or" camera icon" it will reset it to model view. I am facing similar problem in regards to section as well, I could not align my grid horizontally because it is resetting itself to its previous position.

I couldn't replicate this on my side. If you provide a list of consistent steps you did before hand, i can try again.
Although contexts still confuse me somewhat, I 'think' this is a bug. As you can see from the following video, the Plan/Annotation/PLAN_VIEW context is still there, but it's getting buried by the Model/Body/MODEL_VIEW context.
video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t7d6ivi0h12xzax7q04xb/2023-10-01_09-42-58_Blender_blender.mp4?rlkey=dzzfywwctg8nj2w84io6p3paz&dl=0
good question, I can replicate this as well. Guessing it's a bug as well.
Would you like to post these bugs on the issue tracker?
I have not been paying very close attention to the steps that usually give me this error message and the only thing I can say about it is, when I undo around 4 to 5 steps in a row and then continue, most of the operations I try to perform after begin to pop-up the error message. From now on, I will be paying close attention to the steps so that I can give you feedback.
Definitely I would. Thank you so much Sir for the reply! @theoryshaw
Please how did you reduce the dimension and grid line text font size?
video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3fudop5gumm4xprtmjutd/2023-10-02_09-31-28_Blender_blender.mp4?rlkey=l44lade5vzr536llftiq0pcwc&dl=0
And this is how to change the 'marker' background, if you want to, as well.
video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/40w1h8fudz1rzdp41vsyi/2023-10-02_09-35-52_IFC_Architect_tutorial_explorer.mp4?rlkey=prnl137mqfu5ettg8jxg0h71z&dl=0
Thanks for the assistance!