Changing the angle of a slab

Why can I rotate a slab only via the x-axis and not also via the y-axis?


  • Because in IFC things you'd typically use slanted slabs for (i.e. ramps) have an axis convention that it slopes along the +X local axis.

    That said, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to slope along the Y axis for other purposes. Would you like to help build this feature?

  • @Moult said:
    That said, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to slope along the Y axis for other purposes. Would you like to help build this feature?

    I would like to help and collaborate, but I have no idea about programming, I am a civil engineer and therefore a user. I could only help with the documentation.

  • Sounds good :) In that case, can you help submit a bugreport to so we don't forget about this?

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