How to properly show renovations?

To get permits for renovations, I need to submit before/after floorplans, elevations, and probably sections for a few details.

I've finished the model, now how do I add the renovations the correct way? Some walls, doors, and windows will be moved, torn down, or added. In the near future we will be removing the roof and adding a new story, as well as extensions at the back and front.

I've been going through the docs, videos, and forum posts, but either I don't get it or things have changed too much. Can anyone point out a resource I missed or explain how renovations should be done, so from the same document I can toggle between before/after drawings? I'm on version 230921 if that makes a difference.

I'm not an architect or draftsman -- just a dude who needs a bunch of permits to fix his house.


  • Can you share your IFC file, so far?

  • This might help a little:

    Basically set your status in a pset, and in your drawings, use that pset to filter on / off / change styles.

  • You could look at these files, as an example.

    Look at DEMO PLAN - 1ST FLOOR in the Milwaukee_st_4429.ifc file.
    Also, look at / BlenderBlM / drawings / assets / default.css

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