how to make Rebar in blenderBim...?


  • I think we have to get in touch with this guy:

  • Is there a way to add the rebar information to let's say a footing. For example, adding a 4 - 20M bar East/West. Where by that information can be extracted and estimated?

  • @Shegs said:
    Is there a way to add the rebar information to let's say a footing. For example, adding a 4 - 20M bar East/West. Where by that information can be extracted and estimated?

    ping @mdjska

  • There are a numbers of tools including add-on for rebar generation in FreeCAD Arch/BIM, but not sure if support has been extended to it Native-IFC features, maybe codes could be shared - @yorik ?

  • @Bimlooser said:
    I think we have to get in touch with this guy:

    Hello all!
    Someone directed me to this question.
    You can modell basically anything in Blender 3D with GeoNodes or Sverchok.
    The problem is that the BlenderBim Camera can't read and write to svg the geometry unless it is converted to something that it understands.
    I see BlenderBim it allows the user to load Sverchok-generated geometry, so in principle, you can do the work in Sverchok nodes and then load it in the IFC model. I managed a couple of weeks ago to generate a drawing of some basic geometry (a cylinder) but I only posted the demo video on my linkedIn account.
    Do you need to model the rebars in 3D in the IFC model?
    Or do you need to generate the drawings for the RC elements with schedules?
    In the first case, I had one problem (big for me) - large .svg output files - 800Mb just for one A3 drawing. But maybe you can model it, convert it to some format that BlenderBim camera can read and write.
    In both cases, how I would do it:
    I would use the BlenderBim model as a reference;
    I would use some generative algorithm scripts in Sverchok or GeoNodes to do the model or drawings and to write some parameters in a database of some sords;
    Find a way to make the BlenderBim Camera read them in the output SVG files (for me that was the problem, so I used Svrerchok s svg Document node instead).
    I posted yesterday on youtube my workflow for the rebar drawings of a beam foundation with schedules.

  • @sahrul said:
    how to make Rebar in blenderBim...?

    @sahrul said:
    how to make Rebar in blenderBim...?

    I ve updated a quick tutorial on how to model fast 3D Sirrup arrays in Blender 3D and GeoNodes.
    In the same way it can be done with any other rebar shape.
    Hope is usefull.
    I see that verry smart people are working to develop nodes to load the GeoNodes and Sverchok generated objects to ifcNodes and BlenderBim.
    So this may be a fast way to do the work in the near future.

  • Regarding rebars in FreeCAD, you can create them with the BIM rebar tools, but cannot edit them via NativeIFC yet

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