IfcPerson IfcOrganization

When adding project details for IfcPerson and IfcOrganization should I be expecting these to show up in the IFC file. Currently I am not seeing this data populating to the IFC file.
I am assuming that I have missed a step that allows these fields to be included in the IFC file.

On a side note, the is DOT on the side of the Attribute box that switches from DOT filled to unfillled with note a 'Is Null', does this play are role.


  • Do I need to press the heading to save / commit new data, then save the IFC Project to make it appear in the IFC file?

  • Hi @Flies_Eyes
    Interesting topic (I am a beginner so I tried it myself to check if it worked on my computer)
    1. I go to Stakeholders > People and click on Add Person and the pencil icon.

    2. I fill the fields as shown here and make sure I click the check icon on the left

    3. Now I can see the data stored as expected

    4. Properly indicated in the .ifc file (needs to be saved I guess)

    Does it help? I tried with Organization and worked OK

  • Yes, eventually I managed to get it to work. I was playing around with lots of buttons so I am not sure what cured my issue. I feel like to it requires me to hit the banner to commit or save the updates then save the IFC project.

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