P_Set for services

Hi, does anybody know how to add requirements/services for an element/type, for example electricity Volts, Amps, Water, Data, fire protection, maintenance (clean oil every 3 months…), etc? Is there an existing IFC Pset for these properties?
I would like to add these properties into my model so that it is included as a Type.
Thanks, in advance


  • I have been reseaching Psets myself of late. It seems there are only 9 Psets available at the moment in the foundation system. I wasn't sure if more can be found elsewhere or if this is an area that needs further development. Being that these are pretty important, particularly those which BuildingSmart have defined, that having a central library of those makes sense. I didn't want to start to build these up if this work has already been done, but I just haven't found how to implement them yet. I imagine @Moult would know if these exist already or if this is an area that needs people to develop and to be shared reviewed.

  • @Flies_Eyes said:
    I have been reseaching Psets myself of late. It seems there are only 9 Psets available at the moment in the foundation system.

    please what are the 9 Psets you are referring to? from the webpage https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4_3/HTML/annex-b3.html
    they look way more than that, each one with its own combinations (I'm relatively new to BIM), thanks

  • These are the 9 I have found so far.

  • From what I can tell, there are only a few available at the moment. What I can't establish yet is if other Psets exist in the IfcOpenShell library and I haven't managed to connect with them yet or if this is area of ongoing development.

    From what I have read, 1 Pset .ifc can store many Psets or group many together, which I gather are separated using the IFCPROPERTYSETTEMPLATE class .

    I tried to create a Pset for Pset_Address, however I feel I had the IFCPROPERTYSETTEMPLATE and
    IFCSIMPLEPROPERTYTEMPLATE syntax incorrect. Currently still researching this to understand more.

  • @Flies_Eyes said:
    These are the 9 I have found so far.

    OK, sorry you lost me here, what are the criteria to group those items? I just started scratching the Pset/Qto universe..

  • The fields to populate the Psets are stored in .ifc files in the Psets folder. As you have noted there is a vast array of possible Psets described by BuildingSmart. I can only find these 9 Psets so far. I am guessing, but it is possible that only a few have created for BlenderBIM so far.

  • @Flies_Eyes said:
    The fields to populate the Psets are stored in .ifc files in the Psets folder. As you have noted there is a vast array of possible Psets described by BuildingSmart. I can only find these 9 Psets so far. I am guessing, but it is possible that only a few have created for BlenderBIM so far.

    I see, well let's hope someone is going to stop here to shed some light on this topic

  • edited November 2023

    As you have noted there is a vast array of possible Psets described by BuildingSmart. I can only find these 9 Psets so far.

    All these standard BS psets are 'baked' into BB.
    Certain psets are tied to certain IfcClasses. That is, in the BlenderUI, they only show up in the UI when you have an object/type of the correct class selected.

    For example, if you wanted to use Pset_ElectricalDeviceCommon you'd have to create and select either a IfcDistributionElement or IfcDistributionElementType

    Some psets are more 'universal' and can be applied to multiple classes that are subtypes of IfcElements.


    How do you 'find' which pset are available? There might be an easier way, but I just like using google with the following search syntax.
    voltage site:https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2_TC1/HTML/
    Is basically searching for voltage in the IFC4 spec.


    Searching the IFC 4.3.x spec is easier, as there's a search field on the website.

  • I suspected these Psets were already available. I am guessing I need to revise how I have classified my elements.

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