IFC Suite - Releasing a webapp to widespread ifcopenshell's power

Hello everyone :)

For a few months now, I have been working for my company on a free webapp (coming along with a free desktop version) that allows us to process IFC files in various ways. It started out with my desperate need to have a free software to merge IFC files into a single file (something I was asked a lot as a BIM Manager). So I started to develop this tool with the IfcOpenShell library.
It turned out quite fine (far from perfect though), and now I am thinking of implementing other IFC tools in the future (splitting IFC, extracting data, optimizing files, ...).
I think I could implement some IfcPatch recipes quite fast, and it would all be accessible to every users in a few clicks. Quite nice, isn't it ? :)
We will start communicating about this on LinkedIn in a day or so, but you can already try it out here:
And here is the GitHub repository: https://github.com/BETXeni93/IFC-Suite
I'd love to have your feedback!

Have a nice day!

brunopostleBimlooserMassimocarlopavMoultelschillingNigeldoiaGorgiousArvand 4 others.


  • That's awesome! I see you've done some work to add some long-requested abilities to the merging (e.g. merging by elevation or by name and the necessary replacement of the rel aggregates, etc). Have you seen bug 1000? Would you be interested in contributing your code to the IfcPatch recipe itself?

    Implementing other IfcPatch recipes should be relatively straightforward :) Super cool to see!

  • Thanks for your kind words! :)
    Yes, the merging process by elevation and name is one of the key feature that I wanted to implement, and it seems to work quite fine! I still have troubles updating the Relative Placements of merged elements, that's something I will look into quite soon.
    I'd be glad to contribute to the IfcPatch recipe! :) I just need to clean my code a bit, beacause it quite messy at the moment, some parts may be confusing.

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