Exporting IfcSpace footprint from Blender

I would need to export the footprint of selected IfcSpaces into a textfile containing a series of vertexes (x and y) in a clockwise order together with height and z and wonder how to do this in simple way? Right now I use series of python scripts in Blender but I suspect there are much more efficient methods since the data is structured from the beginning.



  • Have you tried using the ifcopenshell.geom and many other utilities here here?

  • If you're lucky and the IfcSpace is already defined from a 2D extruded profile, you can do ifcopenshell.util.shape.get_profiles(space) which will get you all the 2D profiles.

    If the IfcSpace is defined as a mesh-like geometry, you will need to use the geometry iterator and the utilities in util.shape to derive the bottom plane and the polyline itself and sort the clockwise yourself.

  • MaxMax
    edited April 2024

    Thanks, that worked surprisingly well. I also need to find representing points for vertical windows, one lower corner and one opposite upper corner and wonder if there is a similar command for this?

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