I want to be an AEC software developer, need advice
I want to be an AEC software developer and I'm lost on where to start.
Context about me:
I studied architecture engineering. I worked as an architect for 3 years.
I took a web development course and been working as a fullstack web developer for 2 years.
I want to focus more on AEC related software. Do you have any advice for me?
This may not be popular opinion but my genuine advice is ... don't. Don't focus on being an AEC software developer. Focus on architecture, engineering, construction, anything in the AEC industry that you have a particular skill in and become better at it. At least for another few years. Having that extra domain knowledge is really important.
On the side, write code that you enjoy. Any code, it doesn't have to be BIM related. Writing code is the best (only?) way to get better at writing code. Don't write code alone, write code together with others! Join an open source project who will help you learn how to write collaboratively and force you to read code you're unfamiliar with and keep project standards.
There's a lot of software out there related to AEC: https://wiki.osarch.org/index.php?title=AEC_Free_Software_directory - one of them surely aligns to your interests :)
Maybe you can explore the IFC.js project that it is related to That Open Company https://thatopen.com/