BonsaiBIM BlenderBIM Link IFC error - AttributeError: 'Scene' object has no attribute 'BIMGeoreferen

Hey, I'm new to BonsaiBIM and trying to link in multiple IFC files for coordination, but every file I try to load in, doesn't load and has the error -
AttributeError: 'Scene' object has no attribute 'BIMGeoreferenceProperties'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\CGALLA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\", line 25, in
File "C:\Users\CGALLA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\", line 5, in run
gprops = bpy.context.scene.BIMGeoreferenceProperties

The IFCs were produced in multiple other softwares and open fine in Navisworks and Infrastructure Cloud.


  • When you start Blender, is Bonsai already loaded?

    That doesn't look like the full error message. Happy to jump on a screenshare if this is a private model for us to debug together. We're both in the same timezone I think.

  • I think that might've been it. I'm having a bit of an issue that Bonsai doesn't seem to load automatically every time I open Blender. So I just opened Blender, loaded Bonsai, closed Blender, reopened Blender (now Bonsai is loaded), and linked IFCs, and it worked! Looks awesome, thanks for your help Dion.

  • I'm having a bit of an issue that Bonsai doesn't seem to load automatically every time I open Blender.

    i experience this too, every so often.

  • When you experience an exception error or crash, I think Blender purposely won't load add-ons on the next run in case that particular error prevents startup.

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