patch visible (not hided) elements into a new ifc in Bonsai

edited January 9 in General
  • load a IFC into Bonsai
  • hide elements either by the use of the tree or by the use of Colour By Property and Select by Property and H-Button or some other workflow
  • How is it possible to use patch of all visible elements and save a new ifc out of them?

  • A temporary workaround could be to get all GUID from all visible elements. With a small code snippet this could be transfered to a query to be used in patch. The question here would be how to get all GUID from all visible elements.

cheers bernd


  • edited January 9

    There is a "Load from Memory" checkbox already on Patch GUI in Bonsai, but it uses all elements from the loaded ifc and not the visible ones.

  • Noone an idea ... How to get all GUID from all visible objects in Bonsai by python?

  • edited January 21

    not sure this is correct (just trying to guess here)
    visible object can be found with

    import bpy
    import ifcopenshell
    from bonsai import tool
    model = tool.Ifc.get()
    objlst =
    for obj in objlst:
        if"Ifc") and obj.visible_get():

    which prints a list of Blender "turned on" objects in the model returning IfcClass/name, you can make a dictionary out of it or a list

    from there maybe you could use ifcopenshell.util.selector(model, query) that accepts name and type in it to narrow them down to valid IfcBuildingElement
    after that the GUID comes with
    sorry I am not much of an expert in python, just curious to see how this can be achieved

  • edited January 22

    Python programmer here.
    The best way is to create a new recipe with ifcpatch

    Have a look here:
    and here
    This is the location on your system where you save new recipes: %AppData%\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\extensions\.local\lib\python3.11\site-packages\ifcpatch\recipes
    Restart blender to make them available :)

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