Bonsai Walls and Slabs tringulated

Is there a reason that Slabs and Walls are triangulated and not nice quads or ngons ?

I have Wireframe option on in shaded mode for modeling, as it makes geometry more legible. Without you can't e.g. see/check your Wall connections. On the other hand in a Wireframe mode or option, you have this distracting triangulation visible.

Or is there any way in Blender to omit triangulation and helper edges and just show the border of Faces, at least as long as not selected/highlighted ? (Some 3D Apps do this as default setting)


  • @zoomer You can try adjusting the angle threshold for displaying edges:

  • OMG, thank you very much !
    Works exactly as needed.

    When I activated Wireframe for the first time and played with the number I misunderstood it as wire opacity and thought the other opacity slider is for faces ..... thought I don't need it and set it back to 1.0 and forgot it. Recently I more often switched Wireframe off temporarily as I got annoyed by the triangulation.
    Thanks, so from now on I can keep Wireframe activated.

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