BIM Data and Business Intelligence

I am doing currently a small research on integrating BIM data with Business Intelligence. I want to immediately apologize, since my level of coding is non-existent (would love to learn it though), hence I will try to be as precise as possible. I hope @Moult won't hate me for this.... :)
As an Archicad user, my plan is to export our BIM Data and present it in a more comprehensive way in a Business Intelligence solution. When people talk about BI, usually PowerBI comes into the conversation, but I am not a Microsoft fan, therefore other solutions are also considered. The goal is not just to bring the alphanumerical data from an IFC file, but also it is necessary that this data interacts with a 3D Model. There are some solutions on the market such as Vcad, ProvingGrounds, etc... but I thought that I could give it a try...
Here is an example of what I am talking about
So, until now I know that I have to convert an IFC Model into a JSON file, in order to make it readable in a BI solution. There is also the IfcOpenShell which could maybe also do the job?! GUIDs are going to be the ones communicating between Model and Data. To view a model, maybe I could use the xBIM viewer or the xeokit BIMviewer. In the end, it all has to land on a URL because I don't need an additional program.

Does this make any sense? Is this thing at all possible to achieve this way, or am just dreaming?
An honest feedback would be much appreciated :)


  • There are two approaches here - a client-side approach where you simply feed it an IFC file and you read everything (model + data) via JS, of which you should check out IFC.JS by @agviegas . Alternatively, you can do a server-side approach where you feed model + data separately using a variety of formats depending on the route you go, such as Xeokit by @xeolabs . Or you can mix and match. The options for pure data extraction agnostic of your viewer (i.e. IFC.JS or Xeokit or otherwise) is XML (by IfcConvert) or JSON (by IfcOpenShell's IfcJSON script), or roll your own :)

    @fbpyr has also built a cool data extraction dashboard thing but unlike IFC.JS and Xeokit I suspect it is less packaged.

  • Yousra Kadcha is a student that is currently integrating IFC.js with Power BI for her university. Maybe you can contact her directly!

  • thank you guys for your input.
    Due to some other important tasks I will have to postpone this exotic journey for a later time. I will gladly contact also Yousra ...

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