BB: not restricting IfcOpeningElements into the IfcOpeningElements collection

edited April 2022 in General

I would like to propose not restricting IfcOpeningElements into the IfcOpeningElements collection.
In a compilated scene there's a lot of IfcOpeningElements all over the place.
With other objects we use IfcSpatial Elements, IfcGroups, IfcElementAssembly etc to help organize things. Currently we can't organize IfcOpeningElements since they're restricted to the IfcOpeningElements collection and as a result makes it little laborious tracking down to modify them, etc.


  • might dovetail better with possible future roadmap:

  • FWIW, it might not solve your problem, but in Blender, any object can be part of any number of collections, you just have to hold CTRL down and drag the objects into a different collection to link the object to its children. Also note that collections can be children of any number of collections. You can CTRL + Link collections to link them in different collections. It might make some behaviour erratic though since many scripts rely on getting collections by name and you would now have more than one collection in your view layer that share the same name.

  • Thanks @Gorgious unfortunately, putting a single IfcOpeningElement into multiple collections doesn't survive a roundtrip... that is, when you import an IFC file.

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