Express language

Hey guys, what is the importance of having a good knowledge of the EXPRESS language to understand the ifc scheme well?



  • @c4rlosdias not particularly important. You can still get a lot of out the schema whilst treating EXPRESS as an abstract thing. buildingSMART is also migrating towards UML to help make the schema a bit easier to serialise too, I believe.

  • yes, but some things are very particular to the schema in express language, like inverse relations, for example

  • @c4rlosdias the concept of inverse relationships are present in other technologies too, I guess. If someone is technical enough to read the IFC specification, I would suggest they check out the express definitions, since express is relatively simple to pick up and would help them understand express specific things like select.

    If a user wants to know the schema and simply see the classes and attributes available, it's probably not too important to know express.

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