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[IfcOpenShell] How to work with file content instead of file path

edited June 2022 in General

I am trying to develop a Dash app for ifc files but I am stuck at the first step.
The dash upload component gives acces to the content of the uploaded file but not the uploaded path so I am not really sure how to work with that.

The ifc.open() method doesnt work without a path.
I looked around in the ifcopenshell folder and found that the ifcopenshell_wrapper has an read() method so I tried the following code:

import ifcopenshell as ifc
from ifcopenshell import ifcopenshell_wrapper
from ifcopenshell.ifcopenshell_wrapper import file

f = ifcopenshell_wrapper.read(contents)
ifc_file = file(f)

But I get this error:

Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'new_file'.
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
IfcParse::IfcFile::IfcFile(std::string const &)
IfcParse::IfcFile::IfcFile(std::istream &,int)
IfcParse::IfcFile::IfcFile(void *,int)
IfcParse::IfcFile::IfcFile(IfcParse::IfcSpfStream *)
IfcParse::IfcFile::IfcFile(IfcParse::schema_definition const *)

What did I do wrong? Or is there another way around?


  • @Borna_Molnar try this:

     f = ifcopenshell.file.from_string(open('/home/dion/tmp.ifc').read())
  • edited June 2022

    I'm getting a file doesn't exist error if I do this. (open('/home/USER/tmp.ifc'))Please let me know if you have found a solution.

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