TopologicSverchok: Topology.Triangulate changes faces to shells

edited November 2021 in General

nose bleed noobie here.
Doing the Twisting Tower tutorial.

Noticed the Face.Trianulate node has been deprecated.
Assumed the Topology.Triangulate node is the one to replace it.
Seems, however, from the follow GIF that it converts faces to shells. Would assume it would maintain faces.
Maybe i'm missing something.



  • edited November 2021

    In Topologic’s philosophy we try to give you the highest possible topology so that it is more useful. For example, a shell can give you its external boundary. A cluster of faces cannot. If we returned faces they would be topologically disconnected (we can’t have that in something called Topologic, can we? ?). A face that has been triangulated is a collection of connected faces thus a shell. If you want just the independent faces simply add a Topology.SubTopologies ?

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