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BIMTester call it from Python

edited November 2021 in General

To call BIMTester language examples from Pyhton I use the code attached.

Ist it possible to retrieve the args dictionary from the cli.py module by Python? I would just need to set the ifc and feature afterwards.

from os.path import join
ifcos_main_path = join("the_path_to_ifcos_repo") 
ifcbimtester_path = join(ifcos_main_path, "src", "ifcbimtester")
examples_path = join(ifcbimtester_path, "examples", "01_ifcschema_translated")
#feature_file_name = "de_grundlagen"
#feature_file_name = "en_base"
#feature_file_name = "fr_fondamentaux"
feature_file_name = "it_fondamento"
#feature_file_name = "nl_grondslag"

args = {
    "action": "",
    "advanced_arguments": "",
    "console": True,
    "feature": join(examples_path, "features", feature_file_name + ".feature"),
    "ifc": join(examples_path, "IFC2X3_col.ifc"),
    "path": "",
    "report": "",
    "steps": "",
    "schema_file": "",
    "schema_name": "",
    "lang": "",

import sys
import bimtester.run
import bimtester.reports
report_json = bimtester.run.TestRunner(args["ifc"], args["schema_file"]).run(args)
# bimtester.reports.ReportGenerator().generate(report_json, join(ifcos_main_path, "report.html"))

might be related:


  • Just for information ... The json report file is only created if args["console"] is set to False. See https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/blob/9c9bec9c4e682ed7c3de66b6bc57edf24324e255/src/ifcbimtester/bimtester/run.py#L125-L127

  • edited November 2021

    update the code ...
    open a git shell

    cd /c/Users/BHA/Desktop
    git clone https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/

    in a Python shell, works in FreeCAD Python console too, but some modules need to be installed before.

    import os
    from os.path import join
    ifcos_main_path = join("C:", os.sep, "Users", "BHA", "Desktop", "IfcOpenShell") 
    ifcbimtester_path = join(ifcos_main_path, "src", "ifcbimtester")
    examples_path = join(ifcbimtester_path, "examples", "01_ifcschema_translated")
    feature_file_name = "de_grundlagen"
    #feature_file_name = "en_base"
    #feature_file_name = "fr_fondamentaux"
    #feature_file_name = "it_fondamento"
    #feature_file_name = "nl_grondslag"
    args = {
        "action": "",
        "advanced_arguments": "",
        "console": False,
        "feature": join(examples_path, "features", feature_file_name + ".feature"),
        "ifc": join(examples_path, "IFC2X3_col.ifc"),
        "path": "",
        "report": "",
        "steps": "",
        "schema_file": "",
        "schema_name": "",
        "lang": "",
    import sys
    import bimtester.run
    import bimtester.reports
    report_json = bimtester.run.TestRunner(args["ifc"], args["schema_file"]).run(args)
    report_html = join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(report_json)), "report.html")
    bimtester.reports.ReportGenerator().generate(report_json, report_html)
    import webbrowser

    opens the standard webbrowser with the html report

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