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BlenderBIM, issue in creating custom properties

Hello everyone!
I am enjoying so much BlenderBIM, in my opinion is better than lots of BIM authoring tools.
but there is an issue I can not solve.
I would like to create custom Pset, and I am able to do it, but when I create them I can just edit the name of PSet or the value of properties, I need to modify the property name.
as you can notice on the red line.

I have seen there are sample templates for PSET in the Scene Properties tab, but I can not figure out how to use this for object property sets.

can someone of you help me please??
thank you in advance


  • Try...

    • Go to folder C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.1\scripts\addons\blenderbim\bim\data\pset or similar path
    • find Sample_Template.ifc and make a copy of it and rename to something else.
    • open blender
    • go `IFC Project Set Templates' in the scene properties
    • open pset file that you copied above.
    • add/modify as needed.
    • save template .. this saves to that IFC file.
    • close blender, and then open again to make that new property available for assignment.
  • It would be nice if is not necessary to restart Blender, but it works!
    So thank you so much theoryshaw!!

  • B said:
    It would be nice if is not necessary to restart Blender, but it works!
    So thank you so much theoryshaw!!

    Agreed. Added issue here: https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/issues/2343

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