If you're reading this, we've just migrated servers! If anything looks broken please email dion@thinkmoult.com :)

[bSI] There is a new ifc validation service in beta --> https://validate.buildingsmart.org/

https://validate.buildingsmart.org/ <-- after creating an account, you can upload a ifc file, to check it.

It is still in beta.



  • This is really awesome! It's a huge step forward to ensuring high quality, standard data that we can all collaborate with agnostic of platform.

  • Looks very much like ifcopenshell.validate, with some categorized output..Great for testing one file at a time interactively...
    q: Have an ifc file that crashes validate, but goes through (with errors) in https://validate.buildingsmart.org/
    Output from validate BS

    Output from BB

    What is the difference? Different versions? Error catching on BS site?

  • Well ifcopenshell.validate is one of the tools running underneath the new bSI validation service, which explains the similarity: https://github.com/buildingSMART/validate

    @aothms would know the differences, but it still sounds like you should support that bug with the validation error.

  • edited October 2022

    We should do an article based on a quick interview with Leon van Berlo
    I would quite like to do that. @Moult would it make sense to do it together and I write it up?

  • It would be definitely nice to have an article published about the new bSI validation service to promote it. I'm not sure if now is the right time though, I'm not sure how mature the service is. @berlotti will know.

  • @Moult said:
    It's a huge step forward to ensuring high quality, standard data that we can all collaborate with agnostic of platform.

    In my view that's indeed really it. It's not just that there is a tool, but it's the it's the importance given to data integrity as a whole and the new vision behind certification.

    I'd say what is online now is not immature, but it's really only the starting point. Informal propositions and idiomatic IFC usage are on the way. (and express where rules if I can finally lock myself up a couple of days and put some effort in that).

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