Suggestion - Add Tissue as featured software on the wiki and adding concept design content

edited March 2023 in General

Hi everyone, so I am slowly getting into more of the osarch channels - it took me a while to make the chat account work, and even longer to make the login for the wiki working. Now that it does, I would like to start adding some information. As a first, what are everyone's thoughts on having Tissue on the side of featured software?

As a first, Tissue needs its own page - if someone can direct or help with creating one (are there guidelines, etc?), I can start populating it with the important information.

Longer term, my general idea is to add more info throughout osarch on the content I am most familiar with, which is in earlier design stages. So topics like design explorations, explicit modeling, massing studies. It would be actually be great to partner with someone and do a massing study that can be then be analysed a bit more such as solar, heat, etc.



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