Object representation and location is not saved correctly to IFC File
When I import my IFC file into a new project many of my objects do not have the correct representations of locations and some deleted objects are still in the ifc file. Any ideas? I know I must be missing a some steps in the process...
are you importing the IFC from another BIM program, or did you model this from scratch in BB?
If you modeled it from scratch i would suggest starting with one thing, perhaps the truss assembly, and seeing if it 'roundtrips' in/out of BB.
If it doesn't, and/or the locations are wrong, i would do a videocast of your workflow, so others can see what you're doing exactly.
I often save the IFC and reopen it in BB quite frequently, just to make sure everything looks as intended. Because, yes, these quirky things can happen... although BB's getting a lot more stable in this regard.
Also, although i'm not 100 certain this was the cause of your problem, i would suggest creating your IfcMemberTypes, IfcBeamTypes, IfcColumnTypes, etc. with a IfcMaterialProfileSet, vs a IfcMaterialLayerSet. Allows for better miter/butt joints and you can edit the single line axis, as well.
Thank you. I clearly have lots to learn still. You were spot on. I followed your video in https://community.osarch.org/discussion/1038/blenderbim-ifc-custom-defined-beamtype-from-ifcmaterialprofileset and that worked.
I was also having the issue of ifc entities not being deleted. Possibly from using the delete key instead of IFC Delete... wrote a script to clean it up though and it seemed to work alright....
@dbrundage You could also try ifcopenshell.api.run('root.remove_product', ifc_file, product=element)
check the doc for reference