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Podcast: BIMvoice 13 - Dion Moult (Open Source software in the AEC industry)

Just letting people know. (I haven't heard it yet but I'm willing to bet Dion had something worth saying)
If you want to share it with your LinkedIn network their page is here: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/bimvoice/
If you want to share my post you can use https://www.linkedin.com/posts/duncanlithgow_youtube-activity-6697051332752277504-qKvE Focussing on resharing one post is the most effective way of convincing LinkedIn system that a post is worth lifting toward the top of peoples feed.



  • Oh, and I should mention I've added it to the page I've been working on of stories relevant media coverage of opensource in AEC. Please add a story or two for what you can see is obviously missing - a lot of things are missing.

  • @duncan good point about the LinkedIn profile - I think perhaps the Wiki should also include relevant social media profiles for each project / devs behind the project. That should help people get the primary news from whatever project they're interested in following.

  • @Moult I have been thinking about a page of contributors, but it would require a lot of work as people typically don't maintain their own profiles very well. So yes, maybe link to their LinkedIn profiles is one way forward. I think that having pages for each application is a start. Those pages can grow to include a standard info box with time. I haven't learned to make templates so I'm not sure how to set this up. Anyway - that's for a different thread. In this thread my point is just that several people sharing the same LinkedIn article raises LinkedIns algorithm for exposing the post to others. We ought to really choose a different Free social platform for propagating such short news stories. Mastodon? We need a marketing division - I should just quit my job (yeah, nah. just kidding. maybe)

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