Point cloud to Walls - Automated workflow using BlenderBIM


I am trying to use blender-blenderbim to generate facade BIM model from a point cloud. I am thinking of a semi-automated workflow with automated wall generation with plane detection from the point cloud and placing doors-windows manually using blenderbim. I don't know if it would work and if anyone could point me in a direction that would be so helpful. I'm exploring what workflows I could try now. I am trying to use open3d library for the plane detection part. I tried most of @Coen ifcopenshell codes also, super cool. But I have no idea what inputs I need from the point cloud to generate walls, or how to do it with ifcopenshell.

I am a novice at coding but trying to learn. I am amazed by the discussions here and blenderbim looks fantastic. I saw the video with ifcgit for collaboration, and it was super inspiring. This work is for my thesis and I am kind of documenting everything I could find for blenderbim also. I am focusing on open-source and openbim approaches in digitizing the workflow.

thanks and cheers.



  • Hello ! This is an awesome endeavour, it would definitely be a welcome addition to the open-source world. I have seen many attemps and research papers about it but never seen something usable in a real use case, at least not publicly available. You can study CloudCompare for the plane detection part, it is open-source and ships with several useful libraries for point cloud shenanigans.

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