installing blenderbim problem
I have installed blender 3.6.4.
Then i want to install the blenderbim add on. Im currently trying to install blenderbim 231012.
When i try to install it, im not getting the import-export blenderbim. I only get system:blenderbim.
Have anyone got the same issue?
I think this is indented, and has been changed awhile ago.
With #NativeIFC, it's no longer a import/export process--as BB is writing/reading directly to the IFC file.
Thus, BB now opens and saves to an IFC file...
I dont have to import IFC file like you show in the video either
Dumb question, did you enable the plugin?

Or if you still don't see
Open IFC Project
, download the latest BB here: I see you have a later version..

should still work, though.
weird. I dont understand why it dont work
Seeing "System: BlenderBIM" is normal. It was changed in the last release. It is also normal not to see anything in your import/export settings. You can just open / save IFCs:
You're probably looking at pictures / video tutorials that are outdated (and yes, our official documentation tutorial is outdated and we need to update it!)
I only get this.
It looks like your add-on is not enabled. Can you check that it is enabled in the preferences > add-ons tab?
I got the same as you now. i forgot the enable it this time after removing it xxx times.
Thank you.