Reduce polygons in 3d objects
I am looking to convert a few 3d models (.obj, .skp) to IfcFurntiure
. I'hv got a few models which are of very high polygons, and that is making my .ifc file very large and time consuming to open
Is there any suggested workflow to reduce the polygons and make the mesh more simpler to load?
This is a blender function called limited dissolve
1.) Select the model
2.) go into edit mode
3.) select all (press A)
4.) press X
5.) In the pop up menu select 'limited dissolve'
The decimate modifier and merge vertices by distance are also useful tools.
There is also the OG way of just remodelling. Having started 3D CAD in the 90s when hardware was limited I become and remain a LowPoly fan. Blender is great for a 3D tracing workflow where you bring in the high poly model and then add a plane 'extrude, subdiv and snap' to create a new low poly model.
I think most universal is remeshing from scratch:
1. Create a new mesh topologically identical to the detailed one
2. Subdivide/remesh to the desired polycount
3. Shrinkwrap onto the original
Something like this:
There are also automatic remeshing options available, eg
might add to the conversation:$thhtMKzDmDrukJm3GRg8NsBpaFEiVXaObNM7N3OHcOM