I have a model with many IfcBeams with booleans. For production purposes i want to find all beams that are the same. Some have different orientation/rotation. How can i find them?
Idealy it should not only work for beams (extrusion), but also for mesh like geometries.
please elaborate that are the same, like same type? some properties in particular?
@steverugi same geometry
not sure this is what you are looking for: say you have two beams, type BEM-01 and BEM-02, the quick 'n dirty way is to select one (in this case BEM-01) and click on the arrow to the right to select all other same-type beams in the model, presumably using the same profile.
for something more elaborate you might want to use the filter at the bottom under Grouping and Filtering where you can use class, properties, type, etc..
does it help?
If I understand correctly, you are looking for Representations. I don’t know if can be done in BlenderBim UI, but here there is a discussion that might help you achieve that with code: https://community.osarch.org/discussion/935/
@bruno_perdigao right, I'm looking Representations with the same geometry.
So i assume there's nothing build in in IfcOpenShell.
My approach would be to start to find representations with the same volume. Then i somehow would have to align them in case of different rotations ... ?
sorry, I am not familiar with the Representations concept, what is its practical use? thanks
See this for a general Blender solution:
It is simply how elements are visually or geometrically represented to describe the visual appearance, shape, and other geometric characteristics of objects within an ifc model. For example the depiction of 3D model in 2D for both cut/ section and projected/ elevation views. There could be more explanations to it but this is my basic understanding.
ChatGPT is also telling me other forms of ‘representation’ including Semantic, Multiple and Contextual Representations.
see chapter 9...
Very interesting. Are you aware of an actualized version of this guide for IFC4?
Would be nice. unfortunately, I don't think there's an updated version.