BlenderBIM - Add images to layout

edited March 7 in General

I'm trying to make a sheet with some model views. I've created the sheet and added a drawing. Then I click on Edit Sheet to edit the layout and place the drawing where it needs to be. Here I also want to add some more graphics, i.e. images that describe some materials or photographs of existing conditions. When I edit the layout and save it, then click on Create Sheets, BlenderBIM throws an error:

File "...\blenderbim\bim\module\drawing\", line 358, in build_drawings
if image.attrib["data-type"] == "background":
KeyError: 'data-type'

This suggests that the elements I add manually to the sheet need to either include a data-type property or I need to edit build_drawings to first check for the data-type prop. I'll try modifying the code to allow this - but wanted to check if there is already a way to add more elements to a layout easily, so that they can be included in the created sheet?


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