Blender Extensions Site is here, the official Blender site for FOSS add-ons and themes, currently in 'alpha'



  • This is fantastic! The biggest thing this means for users is:

    1. Easy to install. Many people get confused with zip files.
    2. Connect Blender to one or more extension platforms. Anybody can create their own extensions "app store".
    3. Auto-update the add-on within Blender itself!

    Note that there are still quite a few issues with the extensions platform. There is a filesize limit (the BlenderBIM Add-on is too large right now, we will likely be granted an exception but there are still other showstoppers). There is also no way to support add-ons for multiple platforms (e.g. different downloads for Linux, Mac (Intel, Silicon), Windows).

    It's also quite a bit of work to be compatible with the new extensions system. On the plus side, deps are contained within a new namespace, but on the inconvenient minus side, you have to use relative imports and bundle wheels for all dependencies. I think (haven't confirmed) this means doing import blenderbim won't work anymore which is annoying when you want to write quick scripts.

  • Yes, for the end user this is a definitive great addition ! For seasoned developers, I think it will too, in the mid to long run when the dust settles down and the plaster dries a bit. However I fear for python newbies wanting to create a quick addon this will raise the bar a little higher still. Now if you want to convert a script to an addon you only have to add a handful of lines to your python file. With the new extension system you'll have to manage a manifest file with a whole new syntax... Fortunately the "legacy" addons will stil be supported for a few versions at least. Curious to see how this will evolve. :)

  • apparently Blender can do architecture stuff now!

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