Rebranding the BlenderBIM Add-on - vote for a new name!

edited August 2024 in General

With the launch of the new Blender extensions website, the Blender Foundation has been stricter about their usage of the word "Blender" in community-led projects that aren't officially part of Blender. Long story short, we need to change the name "BlenderBIM Add-on" to something else. If you'd like to read all the correspondence with the Blender Foundation, please see

This is a lot of work, and something I'd like to do decide by next week (12th August) so that we have a bit of time to do the work and for the dust to settle for the upcoming release on the 29th August.

  • Community decides on a new name
  • New website with new name, redirect old website
  • Update Twitter, LinkedIn Company, LinkedIn Group
  • Update source code, CI workflows, namespaces, etc
  • Resubmit to extensions store for moderation

Other names we are not allowed to rebrand to:

  • OttoDesc Rabbit
  • X, the Add-on previously known as BlenderBIM
  • IfcOpensHell, not to be confused with IfcOpenShell

I'll keep track of the suggestions and votes here by editing this post. Just post with a suggestion / reasoning and / or say you support an existing suggestion. Any name you suggest also needs to be available as a domain name (.org, ideally). We'll take the top three suggestions and pick from that.

Note that one of the options is just "BIM", i.e. the Blender "BIM Add-on". This also potentially keeps the same domain (not sure what other domain might be), but although the Blender Foundation may allow this, it probably goes against their intention. I'm asking for clarification now whether or not the name "BIM" means we can keep the domain.

Another option which needs explanation is just "IfcOpenShell", i.e. actually delete the BlenderBIM Add-on website, and consolidate the two websites into one website, which already has a reputation, and make it just another tool in the toolbox. This might mix the dev / BIM user target markets though.

Names with the top 3 votes:

  • Bonsai / BonsaiBIM - 21 votes (Massimo, Moult, steverugi, BenSmith, RaphaëlVouilloz, ArEhsanC, Ace, chunchk, JanF, mdjska, tlang, vbertran, bruno_perdigao, theoryshaw, atomkarinca, Andrej730, Nigel, schnippi, banrre, ClimaElitejpm, manuvarkey)
  • IfcOpenSuite - 12 votes (bruno_perdigao, artt, infeeeee, BenSmith, Ace, TimDaviesUK, chunchk, Massimo, kurb70, hannesw, aothms, vanuan)
  • BIM - 8 votes (BenSmith, brunopostle, tim, Massimo, infeeeee, Ace, cvillagrasa, Edmis)

Names rising in popularity:

  • IfcLab - 7 votes (condur, atomkarinca, Moult's wife, bruno_perdigao, RaphaëlVouilloz, Moult, nasmovkev)
  • BunnyBIM - 6 votes (alfredoangeles, RaphaëlVouilloz, Fena, Edmis, chunchk, bruno_perdigao)
  • IfcBIM (John, emiliotasso, steverugi, Ole_Marius_Svendsen)
  • Coral (Moult, BenSmith, RaphaëlVouilloz, vbertran, wmi)
  • IfcDesigner (BenSmith, Denis Pommier, ArEhsanC, theoryshaw, atufj)
  • Burrow (yoayo, RaphaëlVouilloz, Moult, chunchk)
  • BBIM (valblts, BenSmith, antbozz, aothms)
  • IfcSuite (condur, infeeeee, Moult, yoayo)
  • IfcDesign (theoryshaw, ArEhsanC, Moult)
  • IfcForge (Denis Pommier, brunopostle)
  • BIMForge (theoryshaw, deedend)
  • IfcOpenShell (BenSmith, infeeeee)
  • IfcHub (condur, atomkarinca)
  • IfcDirect (BenSmith, brunopostle)
  • IfcOpenSpace (Moult, theoryshaw)
  • IfcSpace (Moult, theoryshaw)
  • IfcTerra (Moult, KoAra)
  • IfcElement (Moult, brunopostle)
  • NativeIFC (nasmovkev, Ace)
  • RabbitIFC (Shegs, Shadow)
  • PlanB (aothms, brunopostle)

Names with only one vote:

  • BaseBIM (theoryshaw)
  • BIMShell (theoryshaw)
  • DesignShell (theoryshaw)
  • OpenShell ?.org (theoryshaw)
  • CompleteBIM (brunopostle)
  • TotalBIM ?.org (brunopostle)
  • FinalBIM (brunopostle)
  • weBIM ?.org (Felipe Cordero)
  • LibreAEC (chunchk)
  • LibreBIM ?.org (chunchk)
  • BIMLibre ?.org (chunchk)
  • LibreBuild (chunchk)
  • FosBIM (chunchk)
  • IfcWorks (condur)
  • B.O.A.T (Pahlawan)
  • IfcCreator (BenSmith)
  • IfcCore (BenSmith)
  • TheOpenBim (Sahil nama)
  • FluidBIM (Denis Pommier)
  • ShellDesigner (Denis Pommier)
  • OpenShell Designer (Denis Pommier)
  • ShellCraft (Denis Pommier)
  • FluidIFC (Denis Pommier)
  • IfcCraft (Denis Pommier)
  • BlendArch/ BlendArcher (ArEhsanC)
  • coreIFC (Nigel)
  • BIMessentia / BIMessenti (Nigel)
  • IfcBuilder (samromeo)
  • BimWerx (samromeo)
  • IfcBuildStudio (samromeo)
  • AECStudio (Massimo)
  • IfcAECStudio (Massimo)
  • IfcOpenPlatform (BenSmith)
  • BIMOpenTool (bitacovir)
  • IfcOpenWorkspace (RaphaëlVouilloz)
  • IfcOpenLab (RaphaëlVouilloz)
  • IfcOpenWorkstation (BenSmith)
  • IfcOpenBox (CSN)
  • IfcOpenTools (CSN)
  • IfcOpenAssets (John)
  • IfcAssetStudio (John)
  • IFC (Ace)
  • IfcOpenUI (Massimo)
  • IfcOpenForge (BenSmith)
  • BIM OpenSuite (chunchk)
  • IfcDelight (brunopostle)
  • IfcBoom (brunopostle)
  • ccBIM (Nigel)
  • Brindle (BenSmith)
  • BeBIM (bimlooser)
  • IfcDesignShell (theoryshaw)
  • DesignShell (theoryshaw)
  • IfcWriter (ArEhsanC)
  • OSDesign (theoryshaw)
  • BadaBIM (tim)
  • IfcProject (Moult)
  • Bifcad (Shadow)
  • IfcMaker (Ole_Marius_Svendsen)
  • IfcEditor (Ole_Marius_Svendsen)
  • OpenIFC (Ole_Marius_Svendsen)
  • IfcPro (Stealthmasterflex)
  • ozBIM (Nigel)
  • AECelements (Nigel)
  • SimpleBIMple (Edmis)
  • Babbit (samromeo)
  • IfcDesignStudio (theoryshaw)
  • NativeStudio (theoryshaw)
  • NativeDesign (theoryshaw)
  • BristleBIM (chunchk)
  • BunnyBIM (chunchk)
  • BinkyBIM (chunchk)
  • CADtastic (DAA_Model_man888)
  • UltiBIM (DAA_Model_man888)
  • BlendedBIM (DAA_Model_man888)
  • BBIMM (SimoneC)
  • IFCX (condur)
  • IFCOS (condur)
  • Nativa (condur)
  • OpenCore (condur)
  • NativX (condur)
  • NatIFC (condur)
  • BIMRabbit (Shegs)
  • IFCRabbit (Shegs)
  • IFCFrame (inshaA)
  • BIMFrame (inshaA)
  • Carrot (Nigel)
  • BIM4B (redff0000)
  • BIMforB (redff0000)
  • IfcOpenApp (vanuan)
  • BIMOpenShell (vanuan)
  • Bimble (vanuan)
  • BenderBIM (vanuan)


  • OpenBIM ?.org (atufj) - trademark clash?
  • IfcOpenStudio (manuvarkey, Moult, condur, Andrej730, Atu_fj, steverugi, John, MennoMekes, KoAra, krande, bruno_perdigao, RaphaëlVouilloz, Massimo, Rick_Brice, antbozz) - OpenStudio is a trademark already (from the EnergyPlus guys).
  • IfcStudio (BenSmith, brunopostle, steverugi, MaxV) - existing product name IFC Studio registered in Chile.


  • The reason for my recommendation for either FreeBIM/OpenBIM/IfcBIM would be that it would be easy in terms of new users looking for the add-on when searching based on key words, and it would be linked to the projects primary intention on providing a BIM application that is opensource.
    But yeah, the simpler the search vocabulary requirement the better (I believe) it would be for marketing the add-on itself.

  • timtim
    edited August 2024

    +1 for BIM, and I like the website heading “BIM a Blender add-on” (or is it “extension” now). It sounds like it would be the simplest way forward with the least changes.

  • I am taking a break while preparing an exam, and would like to drop some ideas.
    I suggest to keep the name short and easy to present

    • LibreAEC
    • LibreBIM Add-on (could cause problem as I found LibreBIM was taken)
    • BIMLibre
    • LibreBuild
    • FosBIM (I like this the most as it means Free and Open Source BIM)
  • IfcBIM works for me, and best describes what it currently does. IfcDigitalTwin / IfcTwin / IfcBimTwin may widen the audience, and kinda future-proof it for the track it seems to be on, but i don't like it.

  • Use "BunnyBim"

    • You Can save the logo
    • The use of animals is very acepted in the Foss world
    • The Abreviation is well known "BB"
  • @Atu_fj said:
    The reason for my recommendation for either FreeBIM/OpenBIM/IfcBIM would be that it would be easy in terms of new users looking for the add-on when searching based on key words, and it would be linked to the projects primary intention on providing a BIM application that is opensource.
    But yeah, the simpler the search vocabulary requirement the better (I believe) it would be for marketing the add-on itself.

    You cannot use anything with openBIM - it's a buildingSMART International Trademark.

  • @condur said:

    @Atu_fj said:
    The reason for my recommendation for either FreeBIM/OpenBIM/IfcBIM would be that it would be easy in terms of new users looking for the add-on when searching based on key words, and it would be linked to the projects primary intention on providing a BIM application that is opensource.
    But yeah, the simpler the search vocabulary requirement the better (I believe) it would be for marketing the add-on itself.

    You cannot use anything with openBIM - it's a buildingSMART International Trademark.

    ok, then I guess one of the other two

  • edited August 2024

    IFCStudio or IFCWorks - if we are allowed to use IFC.

    Only BIM does not make sense - this would really be a blunder. Isn't there already enough confusion about this term? Let's try to stick away from this one.
    With the BIM word in name it is only one that it make sense for me and that's BBIM - because it has been used already many times by me and many others, it feels natural.
    But to be really honest, I think the best impact will be made if somehow we include IFC in the name. It's a freaking IFC native tool, it is build to mirror and work with IFC.
    With that in mind, here are few names that come to me right now, and that feel most aproppriate to highlight what this tool actually does: IFCWorks, IFCStudio, NativeIFC.
    From all these, my vote goes for IFCWorks - it's easy to say/pronounce, in conveys practicability, and it's easy to understand. It's also highlights the fact that it the IFC playground. A native IFC playground. IFCStudio starts to grow on me too - it feels apropriate as well.
    I hope each person can have ONLY 1 vote.
    Update: I think the word works could lead to missunderstandings so I go for IFCStudio or NativeIFCStudio - but It becomes a bit long.
    Update 2: Yes, NativeIFCStudio is too long - please remove it from my proposals, I would not be happy if it will go through - I like what it conveys buut it is too long - we have to land on something short, that will be easy to use and not cumbersome. This is a critical ingredient for all sucessful tools out there. Long = hampering popularity.

  • Call it B.O.A.T
    The Bimmest of all Time

  • @Moult please remove IFCNativeStudio - it is just too long, as I explained above in the last edit of my previous post.

  • I really like IFC studio especially because it links back to ifc open shell and emphasises that it's about IFC and not another proprietary BIM solution. Might be worth checking with building smart to check they'd be okay with using it before you pulled trigger with updating everything! I like BBIM/BIM but only if you're going to retain blender bim branding elsewhere other it defeats the benefit of trying to keep it as closely aligned to the original as possible.

  • My preference goes to IfcBIM, it resembles the concept of "native ifc" that have inspired your project
    greetings and congratulations

  • I love IfcStudio as it describes what the software actually does, but it seems to be taken :(

  • @brunopostle said:
    I love IfcStudio as it describes what the software actually does, but it seems to be taken :(

    This is a real bummer Bruno :( I'm sure they don't have the Yes, just checked it's free. I don't think they have any patent or brand protection on that name either.

  • @brunopostle said:
    I love IfcStudio as it describes what the software actually does, but it seems to be taken :(

    would be other alternatives

  • edited August 2024

    @brunopostle said:
    I love IfcStudio as it describes what the software actually does, but it seems to be taken :(

    my favorites:

    IfcStudio and IfcBIM

  • Just some additional ones from the chat:
    IFC Design, IFC Direct, IFC create/creator, IFC Core

  • @steverugi said:

    @brunopostle said:
    I love IfcStudio as it describes what the software actually does, but it seems to be taken :(

    my favorite:

    IfcStudio and IfcBIM

    I think IfcStudio is quite cool, too. It nails pretty much what the tool does right now, is short and comprehensive.

    Would not worry about changing the Bunny. It’s not related to the “BlenderBim Add on” name and can easily be used with any name.

    From a marketing point of view, it makes sense to think about the target audience for a second:
    • If the target group is technically interested people like the current user group, it’s awesome.
    • If the product should also attract other people, that are simply looking for a powerful modelling tool, we might find a more catchy one. But attracting these people at scale would require further measures and substantial marketing efforts, which is most likely not going to happen in the near future anyway, right?

    To make it short: my vote goes to IfcStudio

  • edited August 2024

    I would also vote for IfcStudio

    Short, comprehensive and nails down what the tool does.

    My only concern: from a marketing point of view, it’s probably not the most catchy one.
    If the target audience should be a less technical one in the future, we could find a more suitable one to attract people that „simply“ look for a powerful bim modeling tool.

    Update: +1 for IfcOpenStudio

  • I would suggest IfcOpenStudio.
    1. This follows the same naming pattern as IfcOpenShell.
    2. Distinguishes the user design aspect from developer orientation of IfcOpenShell.
    3. Distinct identity brand wise.
    4. Domain should be available.

    MoultArEhsanCMaxVbrunopostlesteverugicondurbsmithZiadVDobranovRaphaëlVouillozand 5 others.
  • @manuvarkey hey that's a really good idea, it also helps connote that IfcOpenShell is for devs, and IfcOpenStudio is for graphical users

  • BlendArch/ BlendArcher. The first part (blend-AR) sounds close enough to blender for it to show it's relevance to the software it's a plug-in for. And the "Arch" part is in reference to the architecture field. "Archer" just makes it sound cooler in my opinion. Like.. You're the one doing the "arch-ing" :P

  • coreIFC

  • @manuvarkey said:
    I would suggest IfcOpenStudio.
    1. This follows the same naming pattern as IfcOpenShell.
    2. Distinguishes the user design aspect from developer orientation of IfcOpenShell.
    3. Distinct identity brand wise.
    4. Domain should be available.

    I second this. If IfcStudio does not work, IfcOpenStudio is the next best thing.
    I think you should count all the IfcStudio votes towards this one- because the other one is an existing tool.

  • edited August 2024

    BIMessentia or trimmed (or butchered) to BIMessenti

  • I vote for IfcOpenStudio - it emphasizes that it's part of IfcOpenShell set of tools and similarity with IfcOpenShell reflects that it's the same tools as IfcOpenShell but with UI.
    There is a bit of a caveat with using "ifc" in the name since we're already working with some other formats like bcf and probably will be working with more formats in the future (IfcOpenShell itself has a similar discrepancy) but it should be okay since the focus is on IFC either way.

  • Voting for IfcOpenStudio

  • I second BIMForge. Easy, simple, mnemonic, generic

  • hi @Moult

    @manuvarkey hey that's a really good idea, it also helps connote that IfcOpenShell is for devs, and IfcOpenStudio is for graphical users

    100% Yes, please add me to the IfcOpenStudio group :)

  • IfcOpenStudio works for me.

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