How to 'Bend' an object in Bonsai?
Hello, I'm required to have curved structural I-Beams (arched beam 15 degrees around an axis), is there a correct way of doing this in Bonsai?
I am new to Bonsai but have used Blender for many years. I understand using the usual blender editing won't work for ifc objects.
Could someone kindly give me some direction here?
Kind regards.
Edit: I suppose just need to create a custom bespoke ifc object.
Unfortunately i don't think this exists yet.
Would be an awesome and timely feature request, if you'd like to post one.
You can indeed transform any vanilla Blender mesh object into an ifc object. Just remember to apply any modifier beforehand because these are not supported in Bonsai (yet ?).
The correct way to do this would be to use a curve as the axis of a standard profiled IfcBeam. Unfortunately right now as you've guessed we only support editing a single straight segment.
That said, we're working on it and there has been a lot of work recently in improving the way we handle curves, so watch this space :) This is also relevant for curved walls, curved coverings, etc.
In the meantime as mentioned already you can just model it manually as a mesh and assign it as an IfcBeam.
IfcPipeSegment, IfcDuctSegment and IfcCableCarrierSegment are straight lines, but IfcPipeFitting, IfcDuctFitting and IfcCableCarrierFitting are in the Predifined type enumeration BEND. It looks like they are separated by Segment and Fitting.
I guess it's because that's what the actual material to be arranged is, but it's hard while modeling the placement :)