OSArch splash image competition
If you would like to show the community your idea of built environment, the submissions are open at
To better understand what the idea of our built environment means to the members of our community, every member can once a month post a photo he thinks represents it well. The next month the community will vote for the most interesting one and it will then be shown around on various places related to OSArch - the home page, linked in, twitter and so on.
Some rules to follow:
Please add only your own images
Please be aware that you are posting the image with the CC0 “No Rights Reserved” license.
Please add images with subtle color
Please be aware that your image will get cropped a lot
To post an image please log in with:
Username: OSArch
Password: [email protected]
Hi @JanF Can I drop this topic as a notification and let it slide down the list until it gets focus again? It doesn't seem like it's that important for people just now.
Ment to do something about this myself