We have a Twitter account

edited June 2021 in General

The general discussion on getting the word out with Social Media is https://community.osarch.org/discussion/334/getting-the-message-out-social-media

So now I've worked out how to use twitterdeck so we can be multiple people who use the account to like and share from. I've also started following the accounts of the software in our software list. I've got as far as Scribus. It'd be great if someone want to keep going through the list. Great way to get noticed and share our project with the projects who care the most about what we're trying to do. And a great way to get served the stories that are most relevant to our account.

If you want to coordinate use of the account or just share and like from the account let me know so I can give your twitter account access.

You know how this works, lots of people doing a little bit of work gets things done.
For now I've sent invites for access to @Moult @theoryshaw & @yorik mostly because I could easily find them and they're already active twitter users. @JanF are you on twitter?



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