2nd May 20:00 UTC Monthly Meetup
I hope everybody enjoyed the first monthly meetup over the weekend :)
The next one will be on the 2nd of May 20:00UTC (8PM) (i.e. the first saturday of the month).
There is no agenda currently, but if you're working on something cool, please let me know so that you can speak. Very casual, you can speak for however long or short that you want.
@yorik will give a presentation on FreeCAD!
If you're up for it, add yourself to the spreadsheet and if you add your email too, I'll send around a reminder email:
Hi all! Sorry for missing the last one! Watching the recording now, very interesting! I think the real gem of all this BIM open-source workflow is all these little pieces and utilities that can all connect and work one inside another and end up building a strong ecosystem.. In this world one doesn't really need to "choose a BIM platform".
I could do the next one on may 2nd about FreeCAD, what about that?
I could do the next one on may 2nd about FreeCAD, what about that?
Sounds great to me!
I could do the next one on may 2nd about FreeCAD, what about that?
Sounds good to me! Would be cool to discuss some of the low hanging fruit approaches for roundtripping simple objects between blender and freecad.
Good idea.. Roundtripping could even be the subject of a full session, it's vast..
@yorik great! Next month we'll have a session on FreeCAD! If you think you can make it, please put yourself on the spreadsheet! If you'd like an email reminder prior, put your email as well and I'll send out a reminder closer to the date.
Just another 10 days until this online meetup! Looking forward to it!
By the way, today there is the first buildingSMART IFC development call, if you can make it on such short notice - anybody can join:
Couldn't make it unfortunately :/ Was it interesting?
@yorik just an introduction - there will be a recording distributed. Nothing too new I think.
I'm in
I will try to join :)
What is the planed duration of this meeting?
@agron we'll try to stick to an hour :)
I'll be sending out email reminders today!
Thanks @alessandrozomparelli for reminding me about this meetup. I will try to join tomorrow as well. Looking forward!
Hello! I'm new, and i'm looking for the link to enter this meetup
I'm from Argentina.
@emilianobim https://meet.jit.si/openbim
See you there!
Recording available for those of us in different timezone ? :D
Thanks !
The recording is available! https://peertube.social/videos/watch/2f4f14bb-41b8-4a82-b7eb-28664e5438a8
Youtube link also available: