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ifc import in BlenderBIM but no (or wrong) classification

Imported a ifc in BlenderBIM but only the geometry seams imported. Se attached screen, this is a slab and not some IfcActuator. BTW all objects are IfcActuator. This does not change if objects are selected. Am I missing some obvisious? Cheers bernd


  • @bernd you're looking at the scene properties panel. The scene properties panel shows options and commands related to bulk management of data, and is not specific to the object you have selected.

    You need to click on the object properties panel tab - the IfcClass is visible in the object name, other properties are in the object properties tab.

  • got it ...

    more of this kind of questions ...

    Bleder 2.82 on windows:

    • blender opens maximised even if I close it not maximised. Is it possible to open it the way it was closed, like any other App
    • drag and drop for ifc into blender window does not work. Just to be shure. I guess it is not possible ATM

    Attribute sets:

    it seams all attributes of the Pset_xxxCommon are shown, even the ones which where not in the ifc. Is this true?


  • more blender questions in the regard of IFC viewing ...

    Is it possible to switch to a wire modus?

    Is it possible to change transparency of the model?

    Is it possible to change the color of an object without actually changing the color or get back the origin color later without reloading the mode.

  • Is there a messurement tool in blender?

  • Not sure about the maximised issue, try searching elsewhere online.

    I don't think Blender does the whole "drag and drop" file workflow :) Sorry

    Blender has a variety of X-ray and wireframe modes. At the top right of the 3d viewport, you will see quite a few options - I recommend hovering over them, trying them out, clicking the drop-downs for each of them (hint: the dropdowns change when you press the buttons too!) to get a feel for what's possible

    You can change the colour of an object independent of its material colour and then get back the original colour in a few ways. One way is to go into the object properties panel, scroll to the bottom and find Viewport display. Change the colour there, then in the 3D viewport go into object colour mode.

    The measurement tool is accessed via this button, but be sure to turn on snapping otherwise your measurements might not be too useful:

    Hope it helps.

  • for sure it helps. Thanks.

    Just one more ... Sometimes I can not zoom more in. It just stops zooming at some point just before I would be inside the building.

  • @bernd the zoom function, like a lot of perspective view applications, zooms towards a point in 3D space. When you approach that point, the incremental zoom factor tends towards zero. The zoom point corresponds with the orbit point.

    There are a few ways around this, depending on your situation.

    1. Change the zoom point. The zoom point can be changed by selecting an object, and pressing zoom to selected (Numpad . (period) key) or View->Frame Selected menu, or pressing the "`" key and clicking "View selected".
    2. Alternatively, the zoom point is also determined by the center of the viewport as determined by orthographical top, front, and side views. You can go into top orthographic view (hotkey numpad 7), pan your viewport, do the same in front (numpad 1) or side (numpad 3), and voila, you'll change the zoom.
    3. Some people find this method of changing orbit/zoom points very powerful, but others find it unintuitive, especially if they come from an application which behaves differently. See Edit->Preferences, Navigation tab, and see the variety of ways which make you feel comfortable, including orbit around selection, zoom methods (note I described above the default zoom method, but you can change it!) and zoom to mouse position.
    4. Another solution, is to just not zoom and instead "fly/walk" around the model. I find this useful for buildings. It's like playing a game, press the "Shift-`" and fly around with gaming WASD keys and mouse to change direction! The tab key toggles gravity.
    5. Stop using perspective, and move into orthographic view. May not apply in your scenario if you are moving inside a building, but just thought I'd mention it out of completeness. The hotkey for this is numpad 5.

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